(902) 423-3888

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What can BBL Hero Forever Body Treatments do for you?

What can BBL Hero Forever Body Treatments do for you?
IMPROVING VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING ANYWHERE ON THE BODY, IN JUST MINUTES! Light has a magical effect on the skin from head to toe.  Sunlight negat...

What can a BBL Hero Photo Facial do for you?

Sciton BBL Hero Photo Facial
Our BBL Hero PhotoFacial is the gold standard, corrective, light-based treatment for brown pigmentation such as freckles and age spots. It also tr...

Optimize Your Skin From the Inside Out

Bend Beauty at The Summit Skin Care & Hair REmoval
We all know that the better we eat, the better our body's function. The same applies to our skin. What exactly should we eat to make our skin healt...

Finding the Perfect Sunscreen for your Skin Type

Finding the Perfect Sunscreen for your Skin Type
Finding the right sunscreen for your skin type that you will love is no longer like finding a needle in a haystack! For many years some profession...

The Role of Anti-Oxidants for Sun Protection

What are Anti-Oxidants at The Summit Spa
How Anti-Oxidants will change the way you protect your skin from sun damage.