Superficial, unwanted leg veins are common at any age and they are often brought on by pregnancy, weight gain, heredity, and standing for long periods of time. Getting rid of them has never been easier!
Although we have offered unwanted vein removal for the face for years with our IPL light device and Thermo Coagulation, these devices and techniques were never suitable for unwanted leg veins. Since the fall of 2022, our Master Clinical Estheticians have been studying treatments with Cynosure and their latest technology for superficial leg vein removal. This is very exciting!

After completing training and receiving our certification, we are now excited to launch this superb, safe and effective treatment. Here are the answers to many of the questions we have already received:
What do you use to remove unwanted leg veins?
We use a specialized NdYag laser wavelength from our Cynosure Elite IQ laser – the first in Atlantic Canada.
How does it work?
It works by targeting and constricting spider veins, without harming the surrounding tissue, diminishing their appearance or collapsing completely. It is a fine beam of laser energy that is set to see the blood in your vessels, quickly heating and then destroying.
Why do they happen?
They appear as a result of genetics, hormonal imbalances, obesity, pregnancy, aging, trauma and other causes. Valves inside the veins stop functioning properly, causing blood to pool and veins to expand closer to the skin’s surface. While they’re generally harmless, it doesn’t mean you have to live with them.
How is it different then sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is performed by a nurse (with an attending MD) or a Phlebologist. The veins, including some varicose veins, are directly injected by hypodermic needle with a liquid saline solution or specialized foam to collapse the the larger dysfunctional vessels.
Our laser treatments are for superficial veins and not for varicose or large spider veins. The treatment is a quick targeted beam of laser energy.
After schlerotherapy you must wear strong compression stockings for two weeks . This is not required or advised directly after laser treatments.
Both treatments require 4-6 weeks before the end results are appreciated fully.
Who cannot have the treatment?
You need to be a relatively healthy individual that is also not pregnant or nursing. We cannot perform laser vein removal on those with a high level of pigment or deeply tanned skin.
If you have varicose veins or are showing signs of early varicose or poor vein function then the varicose veins must be treated first by a Phlebologist ( a medical doctor that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of venous disorders). Six to twelve weeks after treatment for varicose veins, with a positive result, we can begin treating the smaller, superficial unwanted veins.

Do laser vein treatments hurt? Clients describe a range of sensations from tingling to the snap of a rubber band during the treatment.
How long are the treatments? Treatments are typically 30 minutes but less time may be arranged if only one or two thread veins are the target.
How many treatments are needed? A series of treatments may be needed as we may not be able to remove all unwanted vessels in a 30 minute session. Typically, two to four treatment sessions are needed for desired results.
How long would I need to wait between treatments? It will take time for the veins to fully dissolve and be absorbed by the body. We generally recommend waiting 4 to 6 weeks between treatments. If you have a large number of superficial veins on both legs, we can do a treatment on the other leg the next day.

Yes. It is very important to to avoid high intensity activities that heat the body and/or cause sweating including hot yoga, running etc. for 1 week after treatment. Walking is the best, and encouraged. You must also avoid intense activity 48 hours BEFORE your treatment. Avoid hot baths, whirlpools, saunas or hot showers for one week. Unprotected sun exposure must also be avoided on the area for 4-6 weeks. Tight clothing or tight boots covering the area must also be avoided for at least 48 hours. We encourage the use of Glymed Plus Arnica Healing Cream, Kneipp Intensive Arnica Cream or Patricia Miller Yang Ming Cream to speed recovery.
Will I be thrilled to bare my legs again? YES!!
What do I need to do to start? Book a Leg Vein Consultation with one of our pro's for an assessment. The consultation books for 30 minutes and it is $40 (before tax). The cost of the consultation can be applied to any upcoming treatments. Call today to secure an appointment to start getting rid of your unwanted superficial leg veins! It is that easy!
Click here to read through the questions to determine if you're a candidate for treatment.