We were finally able to head back to Las Vegas for the International Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference! This year's conference coincided with a heat wave in Vegas so it was HOT, HOT HOT in more ways then one! With A LOT of water and sunscreen, Melany, Jacynthe and Susan survived to talk about it! Everything in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas!

Before all of the above busy-ness started, we needed to do our due diligence on jet lag recover (and R&D)! This year, we headed to the Spa at the Encore (Wynn). Our team of R&D Experts, on all things spa, give it a 5 star review! Exceptional customer service, ambience, nordic hot/cold spa therapy and their "Encore Foot Surrender" (Reflexology) were just what the Summit Team needed for complete jet lag recovery!

- connecting with and taking classes with Kari Poling and her team at Ligthwaves LED! We love our LED and each time we review other LED devices, we have complete confidence we have the best on the market! LED devices have been booming lately including home devices (PS - they do not have the power necessary to give the results of our Pro device, in case you were considering to spend your money on one for home). Learn why we love LED Light Therapy by taking this little 2 minute class from Kari & Mike Poling here:
- We took an acne and oxygen class from our friends at Glymed+, checked out more of their new packaging and discovered a new sunscreen you might see on our shelves soon. Can't get enough choices in sunscreens to make sure y'all (we might have picked up an accent too!) are wearing them all of the time! For our lovers of Glymed+ Gentle Facial Wash, you might initially be sad to know this product is changing and just not it's packaging! It will soon be called Idyllic Cleanser and it's ingredients have changed but you will see - for the better of course! They will be even better on a sensitive skin as the AHA's change from glycolic and lactic to mandelic. Stay tuned or stock up if you are the nervous of change type.

- We took an excellent class on rosacea with Canadian Esthetician/Educator Manon Pilon. A couple of take away tips for our clients with rosacea-prone skin? Gingko Biloba supplements are vascular stimulants and will increase redness in rosacea-prone skin. Rosacea-prone individuals should avoid lash extensions as it increases the occurrence of Ocular Rosacea.
- We visited our friends at Zensa for all the updates on numbing from this awesome Canadian company! Our electrolysis and laser clients love this great product but consider it also for taking the itch out of insect bites this summer!

- Learned some great tips and some great contacts from Davonna Willis in her class on Melanated Skin (darker skin tones). Because we specialize in all skin colours - skin is skin - we also know that every skin colour presents it's own unique challenges. Continuing to get the latest info on ALL skin colours is key to our continued success. Thanks Davonna!
- Attended a chat with Dr Whitney Bowe, the dermatologist that recently coined the term "skin cycling" that went viral. "Skin cycling" might not be new to us but is was interesting to meet the woman behind all the buzz. Check out our article on skin cycling we wrote awhile back.

- We learned more about a famous all natural herbal peel that we have been considering to add for a few years! Stay tuned!
- Last but not least, we attended a class we had said we were definitely NOT going to attend! The class was on anal bleaching. Yes, you read that correctly. The truth is, it is on treatments for the whole body for hyperpigmentation caused from friction, ingrown hairs and folliculitis (think inner thigh, under/between breasts, underarms, knees, elbows and booty of course) - both at-home and in-clinic. We are not talking about pigment damage/spots from sun damage. The class was excellent and made us realize that although we don't chat about our products that are awesome for this much - we should! You will also see us developing a clinical treatment for it as well - stay tuned! In the mean time, check out our blogs on PFB Vanish/Ingrown Hairs ,and Kaia Naturals Takesumi Bright products!
Our conference badges are off and now the work begins - implementing what we learned! You're welcome!