What to Expect When You Switch to Kaia Naturals Takesumi Detox Charcoal Deodorant System
WEEK 1: Everything will seem normal when you begin to use the takesumi detox® 2 step system. This two step system includes the use of The Underarm Bar followed by the Charcoal Deodorant.
WEEK 2: Studies show when you stop using antiperspirant, your body will temporarily produce more odor-causing bacteria. Use The Underarm Bar and Charcoal Deodorant to manage the odor during this period
WEEK 3: Moisture and odor levels start to normalize but some odor may remain. Stick with the system.
WEEK 4: Your body should begin to adjust to natural deodorant – continue using the takesumi detox® system daily for maximum odor protection.
NOTE: Each stage of the detoxing armpits process may vary depending on your body chemistry.
the Takesumi Detox 2 Step Step System
This will truly transform natural deodorant into extra strength protection. Use the underarm bar in the shower every morning before deodorant application. To maximize the bacteria-eliminating power of the charcoal bar soap, lather the bar and then massage in the underarm area for 20 to 30 seconds on each side. If you have underarm hair, massage for 30 seconds. For best results, let the rich lather sit on the underarms for a while before rinsing off.
Kaia Naturals Underarm Bar is not an ordinary soap. It is specifically designed to pull toxins like a magnet with activated charcoal and remove odour-causing bacteria and rebalance ph with apple cider vinegar. It is designed to use only in the underarms or groin area where odour causing bacteria proliferates.