(902) 423-3888

Arm Bumps: How to Fix the Problem

keratosis pilaris at the summit spa

At The Summit-Skin Care & Hair Removal, we are often asked what to do about bumpy upper arms. This frustrating and often unsightly condition most often affects the back of the upper arms with red, bumps and sometimes acne like break-outs. The condition is called Keratosis Pilaris and it can also appear on the thighs, buttocks and lower part of the face.

Not cleaning and scrubbing well enough is never the cause. Those that have this condition can attest to that. Harsh scrubbing and picking at the bumps only makes the condition worse. This is a chronic non-contagious skin condition where excessive accumulation of keratin (found in dead skin cells) at the opening hair follicles create plugs and bumps and sometimes leads to breakouts. The good news is that KP is easily treatable!
Here are some of the stats:

    • Affects 50-80% of adolescents and 40% of adults
    • Females are more affected then men
    • Due to the fact that KP is a chronic condition consistent treatment will yield the most successful results.
 Here is the most successful treatment that we have found and have been recommending for years with great success:
1. Don’t pick – it will most likely lead to dark spots, loss of pigment and scarring.
2. Avoid harsh soaps. Instead we recommend a gentle, hydrating, soap free Body Wash from Kneipp Herbal Remedies. When the condition has developed into a more acne-like condition then we recommend Glymed Plus SalX Purifying Cleanser.
3. Morning and night apply Glymed Plus Alpha Therapeutic Body Lotion. If the skin is highly inflamed when starting treatments begin first with a Kneipp Body Wash followed by Glymed Plus Arnica Healing Cream.
4. Don’t expect immediate results. It can take two months of the above treatment before results become apparent although most will start to feel a difference after the first week.
5. In the summer months replace the morning application of Glymed Plus Alpha Therapeutic Body Lotion with Glymed Photo Age Environmental Protection Gel SPF 15 or 30.
6. Once results are achieved don’t stop! Due to the nature of the condition it can be treated and maintained but not cured. If you go back to your old routine the condition will slowly return. Instead once you achieve results maintain the use of the cleansing routine but use the Alpha Therapeutic Body Lotion just 1-2 times a week to maintain results. For dry skin types on the alternate days keep to skin hydrated with GM Collin Melt-In Body Balm,  Kneipp Evening Primrose Body Oil

, Phytomer Ultra Moisturizing Body Milk, or  Yonka  After Sun Milk to avoid flare-ups that can be triggered by excessive dryness of the skin.


 7. For tougher cases or those wishing a quicker result we recommend our Skin Boosting Peel Series or Dermasound Elite Series with our Clinical Estheticians. If you have more questions or concerns ask one of our experts! We will be glad to help!